Agnes A.

Upon reintegration, our goal is for each rescued child to be provided with the financial means to begin and sustain an appropriate level of education or job training. It’s also of highest priority for the parents of these children to receive support and mentoring once their child returns home. We believe that monitoring a child as well as his/her guardian will allow the entire family to transition to self-sustainability.
A $45/month tax-deductible sponsorship provides a child with:
Educational needs: school tuition and fees, transportation, uniforms, supplies and books, extra tutoring to help maintain class level, and training for apprenticeship as needed (mainly for older children)
Monitoring by a Ghanaian Social Worker employed by Mercy Project: transitional mentoring for both children and parent in addition to parent training on saving, budgeting, and family provision
Additionally, we coordinate as much communication as possible between sponsor and child, facilitating photo and letter exchanges throughout the year.
We are committed to seeing each child through High School or equivalent vocational training based on his/her unique needs and family support system. The completion time for each child is situational, so we ask that if for any reason you are unable to continue sponsoring your child, please let us know as soon as possible so that we may prevent gaps in covering his/her needs.
Below are children currently waiting to be matched with a sponsor for $45/month. Click the button below to become a child sponsor and match with a child!