How Far We've Come

Our story began in 2009 when Founder Chris Field took his first trip to Ghana and met a little boy named Tomas (pictured below). While Tomas was one of many children trafficked to work in the fishing industry on Lake Volta, he was the child Chris interacted with personally on that trip. Unfortunately, Tomas was left working on the lake after Chris returned home. Knowing Tomas was still out there - and that he represented so many other children - was the catalyst that birthed our new dream. We chose to call the work Mercy Project based on the verse in Micah 6:8 that reads "act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with God."

Since that trip in 2009, we’ve been on a journey to build a sustainable process that will allow us to help as many children and families as possible.

These are some of our milestones along the way.


#1: September 2010

Mercy Project officially granted 501(c)3 status as a nonprofit organization

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#2: May 2011

First Ghanaian staff hired


#3: January 2012

Signed first partnership with village of Adovepke


#4: July 2012

Prototype of aquaculture cages created, placed in the lake, and filled with tilapia fingerlings

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#5: October 2013

Launched first missionary couple to live in Ghana

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#6: November 2014

Number of Ghanaian staff greater than US staff


#7: January 2017

GH Fish hatchery constructed and producing fingerlings for village cages


#8: April 2017

Received Vizient's Dr. Norman Borlaug Humanitarian Award

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#9: October 2017

Rescued our 100th child


#10: September 2019

Rescued our 150th child


#11: September 2020

Celebrated our 10-Year Anniversary

#12: April 2022

Rescued our 200th child

#13: March 2023

Rescued 250th child

#13: December 2023

Our first rescued child was accepted into a University. Within the next year, there would be four more!

#14: October 2024

Mercy Project 2.0 was born. We began scouting a second region on Lake Volta because the number of trafficked children has dropped so dramatically in the area we have worked for over a decade.