Now I Have Time to Learn.

Our team enters the schoolyard and is immediately surrounded by hundreds of excitedly yelling children. More than any school we visit, the students here come out in full force to welcome our arrival. We all say hello and eventually escape into a computer room indoors to meet with Grace; we are special visitors, and so she is allowed out of class for a short while to talk with us.

Grace is 15 and has been in the Mercy Project program for 3 years now. Initially a very shy girl, she now speaks with confidence; she knows what she wants for her future and is willing to work hard to achieve her dreams. With her mother’s help and support – as well as that of her community, teachers, US sponsor, and Social Worker – Grace is already making great strides toward success. 

Recently, Grace moved schools in order to be in an environment that is more academically competitive, and she is thriving. She scored 97% in science last term as well as high marks in math. She’s quickly made new friends in this school, and we found out after our interview that she has also joined the female soccer team here. As Grace sits down with us, politely speaking in perfect English, it is evident that she believes in herself. We certainly believe in her!

What class are you?

Do you like school?

Do you have a best friend? Does she go to this school?
Yes. She is Elizabeth, attending ——- [another school].

What’s your best subject?

Why do you like science?
Because I want to be a nurse.

Why do you want to be a nurse?
There are many diseases in the world, and I want to cure some of them.

If I am sick, I will come to Ghana, and you will help me?
[smiles] Yes!

If you remember when you were living in the village… do you remember?
Yes, I remember living in the village.

Now that you have come to Yeji, what is different about your life?
When I was there, it’s not everyday I go to school. Now I have time to learn.

Which do you like best?

How many years have you been going to school in Yeji?
3 years

You had Winifred as a Social Worker and now Portia. Are they helping you? Have they told you some idea or something to help your life?
Yes. They have told us, we should take care of our lives and focus on our life instead of being distracted by boys. Boys will ruin your life. 
[all laugh]

Did they tell you anything else? Any advice or counsel?
To learn hard in school. School will help you. To keep on learning so to apply for jobs. 

If you are maybe at the riverside at Yeji, and you see somebody on the boats… if you see small girls not in school, they are just working... what do you think?
It’s not their fault. They don’t even know, so it’s not their fault.

[Social Worker Portia translating] They don’t have a future, because they are on the lake. They don’t even know what they can do in the future. So it’s not their fault.

Does it make you feel something?
I feel pity for them. 

What do you want for their lives? If you could do something for those children, what do you want to do?
Help educate them. 

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There are many diseases in the world, and I want to cure some of them.
— Grace